Lancaster and Manchester Bomber

Final Fate - By Serial Number


Updated: August 2010

Major Sources:


  • The Bomber Command War Dairies by Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everit
  • Bomber Command Losses by W.R. Chorley
  • Numerous other publications including Squadron ORB's and Form 78's

October 18, 2010


I have been advised today that the Lancaster and Manchester Losses files which I have spent some 20+ years working to compile have been stolen from this site and are now posted online for sale by CD.


These files were clearly copyrighted and dated


As a result I have been forced to remove this listing from the web site to protect my work.


Anyone who sees these items for sale are requested to contact the authorities in your region and advise them of this theft.


I am deeply saddened to see once again that a ‘few selfish people, who wish to make profit from others work” have ruined this information being made available to those who may wish to have used it.

Lancaster and Manchester

Bomber's with UNKNOWN

Crash sites


Can you HELP locate

any of the 964sites?